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Saves your equipment from loud pops and squeals when you change guitars with a live amp.
When the button is pushed, the cable shorts while remaining plugged into your guitar, making on-stage guitar changes a snap, and eliminating any chance of sound bursts. Once the cable is shorted, remove the cable from the guitar being used and plug the cable into the next instrument. Press the button again to reactivate the cable signal.

Planet Waves Circuit Breaker 1/4" Straight Instrument Cable Features:
?Super solid contact
?Quality metals
?Unique technology saves amps
?Super long life
?Limited lifetime warranty
【Planet Waves】PW-AG-20 快拆開關頭 導線 20呎

資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【Planet Waves】PW-AG-20 快拆開關頭 導線 20呎

    創作者 Fisher 的頭像


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